路由# 321076470

当你 努力维持收支平衡

2020年6月11日 5分钟

你已经仔细研究了你的财务状况, and you realize that there is simply no way to make ends meet. 你就是付不起所有的账单. 你能做什么?? 幸运的是, there are many steps you can take on your own to deal with your debt problem, 包括太阳集团平台或我们的合作伙伴 平衡, who offer confidential advice at no cost to Patelco members.

减少你的 按月支付

当你发现自己陷入经济困境时, your immediate concern should be to slash your cash outflow as much as possible. 如果你一直在提前偿还抵押贷款, 汽车贷款, 或者其他债务, 把那个计划搁置一下, 至少暂时如此. If you've been making more than the minimum payment on your credit cards, scale back to minimum payments until you get your finances straightened out. This small step may be enough to solve your problems, especially if your financial troubles are temporary in nature. Make sure you can comfortably make the required 按月支付 on all your bills before you go back to making larger payments. If you don't have enough money to make even minimum payments, you'll need to take further action.

巩固 债务

当你合并债务时, you take out one large loan to pay off all your smaller existing loans. This leaves you with one loan payment rather than many.

One of the main advantages of consolidation is that your monthly payment on the consolidation loan is substantially lower than the combined payments of the smaller loans. In addition, you may be able to lower your interest rate.

贷款合并也有缺点. 例如, the repayment term of a consolidation loan may be longer than the terms on your smaller existing loans. 这意味着摆脱债务需要更长的时间. 另外, you could lose any collateral you provide for a consolidation loan if you default on the loan.

考虑 再融资

Almost any type of loan can be refinanced: mortgages, 汽车贷款s, personal loans, even credit cards. When you refinance, you take out a new loan and using the proceeds to pay off the old loan. 例如, 当你为汽车贷款再融资时, 你从新的贷款人那里借了一笔二手车贷款, and the new lender sends the loan check to your old lender to pay off your existing loan.

The main objective of 再融资 is to lower your interest rate, 从而减少你的总还款金额. 然而, when you are having difficulty meeting your financial obligations, your goal is more likely to reduce 按月支付. Refinancing to a lower interest loan can lower your payments slightly. But to get the desired results, you may have to extend the term of your loan. 例如, 如果你的汽车贷款还剩24笔, you might have to refinance to a 36-month or 48-month loan in order to substantially reduce your monthly payment amount. 如果你这样做, 你的月供会更少, but it also means it will take longer to pay off the loan. 你应该把这看作是临时措施. 一旦你恢复了经济稳定, you should either refinance again (to a loan with a shorter repayment term) or prepay the loan by making extra payments or paying more than the minimum each month.

分摊债务 分为两类

If you are unable to meet all your financial obligations, you will need to determine which of your 债务 are essential and which are nonessential. The general guideline is that an essential debt is one that could create serious problems if it weren't paid. Failure to pay 不必要的债务 would have far less serious consequences. Whether or not a particular debt is essential will be dictated by your individual situation. Common 必要的债务 include rent or mortgage payments, 公用事业公司, 孩子的抚养费, 学校的学费, 汽车分期付款, 未付税, 医疗和汽车保险, 担保贷款. 非必要债务可能包括信用卡, 向朋友和家人借钱, 以及其他无担保债务.

支付 必要的债务 第一个

Your 必要的债务 should obviously be paid 第一个. 如果你不能偿还所有必要的债务, you may need to prioritize this list and move the least essential to the nonessential list. 例如, 如果你不用车也能四处走动的话, your car payment might be moved to the nonessential list.

支付 不必要的债务 用剩下的钱

You shouldn't pay any 不必要的债务 until your 必要的债务 are all paid. 如果你有多余的钱来偿还不必要的债务, you should prioritize this list and pay the most important of the 不必要的债务 第一个.

Remember that interest and late fees on unpaid 债务 will continue to accumulate, 使你的未偿债务更大.

谈判与 债权人

If you are in financial trouble but you want to do the best you can to 还清你的债务,你也许可以和你的债权人谈判. 为了避免收款过程, 许多债权人将减少还款, 延长还款期限, 免除滞纳金, 或者有时甚至接受少于全额的还款. 如果你能协商你的还款条件, you may be able to get through your financial crisis without ruining your credit record.

通知债权人发生麻烦 尽快

One of the keys to successful negotiations is to let your 债权人 know about potential problems 尽快. 向他们解释情况.g.(失业、紧急医疗). Let the creditor know what you’re doing to remedy the problem (e.g.(找工作,在家削减开支). Specify whether you need a temporary fix or long-term relief, and continue to send at least minimal payments as a sign of your good faith effort.

别指望 完美的结果

Unfortunately, many 债权人 refuse to negotiate with debtors. You may find that some of your 债权人 are not willing to accept partial payments or to extend your loan term. But it is still in your best interest to make an effort to negotiate.

联络平衡 免费的建议

We care about your financial well-being – which is how you feel about your money and your financial health. 这就是为什么我们与 平衡 to offer you confidential one-on-one advice – at no cost to you. 今天联系平衡 为处理债务提供可靠的建议.

Source(s) consulted: Broadridge Financial Solutions.

